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Stuck in the alcohol-loop?

Join this 6-Week Challenge to Quit Alcohol & Start Living Your Best Life!

Quit Alcohol Fast with EASE

An easy to follow 6 week challenge delivered
straight to your inbox - INSTANT ACCESS


Are You Ready to Break Free from Alcohol and Start Living your Best Life?

Picture this.

You go out with friends to celebrate a birthday, but not the way you used to.

You're laughing, enjoying the music, the conversation. The waiter approaches and everyone orders their drinks – cocktails, wine, beer.

But when it's your turn, you smile and order a sparkling water with a slice of lime. No one bats an eye, and you don't feel left out. In fact, you've never felt more present.

You're not counting the drinks or the hours.

You're counting memories, meaningful conversations, and true connections. You feel present and on your way to achieving everything you have ever wanted in life.

But It's Really Hard To Stop Drinking On Your Own!!

Not because you lack willpower, but what alcohol does to the brain.

If you're a woman in your 30’s, 40’s or 50’s, you've probably found yourself in social situations where alcohol is the centrepiece. Birthdays, work events, Sunday brunches... it's everywhere."

Let's face it – society celebrates drinking. But along with it comes a host of problems, some that we talk about and many that we keep hidden. If you're stuck in a whirlwind of drinking your not alone.. so many of us have been there.

You’ve tried the detoxes, and even did 'Dry July'. But it just... didn’t really stick.

Weekends feel as if they’re on this never-ending merry-go-round. You know the drill: a drink with friends, a few at the work events, and then that sneaky 'just one more.' And, um, before you know it, the whole day's a repeat of the day before. Always ending up feeling, well, pretty average.

Until... one day you think.. I don’t know if I can do this any longer!

You’re tired of the rollercoaster. Tired of the same results. Tired of little progress in your life. No energy and feeling like your stuck in a loop, not really living, just existing? And definitely not showing your kids what life could be.

88% of women find it difficult to quit alcohol. This is because women metabolise alcohol differently than men and are more likely to experience health conditions like anxiety and depression from alcohol. And those that drink regularly spend over $5,000 a year on alcohol!


Women are more likely to experience relapse after quitting drinking.

Studies have shown that women have a higher risk of relapse compared to men, with relapse rates ranging from 40% to 60%. (Source: National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism)

Women are more likely than men to be binge drinkers.

Binge drinking is defined as consuming 4 or more drinks for women (5 or more drinks for men) in a single occasion. In the United States, 26.3% of women binge drink, compared to 37.3% of men. (Source: National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism)

Women may face greater challenges maintaining sobriety due to childcare and family responsibilities.

Balancing work, family, and personal commitments can strain women's time and energy, making it difficult to prioritize their own well-being and recovery. (Source: Journal of Women's Health)

Why is this the case?

Alcohol triggers dopamine, which is linked to our reward system. So no matter how much willpower you have, your brain is always going to be craving it, unless you get your dopamine from other activities, which I am going to teach you.

I’ve discovered a secret that allowed me to quit alcohol immediately for good, without struggle. The life I’ve found is unlike anything I could have ever imagined. I feel clear, motivated, driven, energised, full of purpose and vision and ready to tackle every single day! No downtime needed.

And I want to teach you this secret too!

Here's What Happened When I Stopped Drinking!

I saved THOUSANDS of dollars a year. That money now goes towards travel and creating beautiful memories with my loved ones.

My relationships with my kids are stronger than ever. They beam with pride when telling their friends, "My mum doesn't drink!"

My career is thriving in a way I never imagined possible. I went from living paycheck to paycheck to doubling my income every year!

My career is thriving in a way I never imagined possible. I went from living paycheck to paycheck to doubling my income every year!

I have endless energy, motivation, and focus to grow my business without relying on alcohol.

I feel happier, lighter, and have a renewed sense of purpose since removing alcohol from my life.

I implemented more adventure and travel into my life, taking my family to Disneyland and planning a trip to Japan.

I started implementing "fun" back into my weekends, like beach days, dance classes, sunday adventures, twilight picnics and now every weekend is an adventure!

Hey, I’m Summer! Four years ago I swapped vodka for sparkling water and my life changed forever.

Four years ago life was flat-lining and I felt empty and unfulfilled. I was on an endless merry-go-round of drinking and recovering and felt stuck, uninspired and in a fog. Something had to change. I decided to do an experiment to see what life would be like without alcohol with low expectations. What I found BLEW MY MIND! I discovered the most incredible life of clarity, energy, purpose, drive, clear skin, motivation, focus at work, weight loss, hormone balance, great sleep, drive to hit every single goal I had + the list goes on. I couldn’t unsee it. I decided to make it a lifestyle and have never looked back.

Fast forward four years later and life is on fire. I have a thriving business, I’m full of energy and happiness, closer to my family and have the relationship of my dreams. I can hand on heart say I'm now living my best life! I feel amazing every day and I have so much energy to continue building the life of my dreams. With no downtime required!

Giving up alcohol has been life changing and transformational for me, and I’m energised to show others how to harness this life. Over the last four years I've gone deep into this world and created a system using the exact techniques I used to successfully give up alcohol and maintain it for the distance.

I want to share this system with you too. I've carefully curated a 6 week program to journey with you and teach you the exact steps I took that led me to successfully give up alcohol and find a life that has taken my happiness to new heights I never thought possible!

Come with me, friend x

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I Discovered a Way to Hack My Brain into Not Wanting Alcohol!

I discovered a system, to give your brain the dopamine is craves in a heathy way that will not only bring your happiness and vitality but will help you build a life you so fulfilling that you don’t need alcohol!

And there’s science to back this approach too!

This replacement approach is working for millions of women across the world.

Within my own circle, there are many incredible women, friends I've shared my story, my struggles, my triumphs. And so many of them have taken what I've said and are using it. Using it to break free, to say goodbye to alcohol for good.

So, if you're feeling fed up with this relentless cycle, if you've tried everything, I mean everything, but nothing sticks... if you're at that point where you're just yearning for a change, to feel alive, to reclaim your best life... it's time for a change!

Spots are filling fast! - Don’t Miss Out!

Just a handful spots remain for the 6-Week Sober Challenge at this limited-time offer price. Once they're gone, the price goes up. Claim your spot today and lock in instant access to the full program and over $2,000 in free bonuses!

You Don't Have to “Willpower” Your Way to Sobriety Forever... It Takes Only 6 Weeks!

With the right mindset shift and community support, sobriety can open up a life of excitement, passion, and joy.
But quitting any habit cold turkey is tough because our brains become wired to crave certain behaviors.

Scientists have shown it takes about 6 weeks to reprogram the neural pathways in our brains.

Research has revealed it takes approximately 42 days to break a habit.

During that window, the neurons that previously fired to perform that habit slowly begin to weaken and new connections form.
So to successfully quit drinking for good, you need to stick with it for those crucial 6 weeks to rewire your brain’s reward system.

That’s why I Created the “6 Weeks Sober Challenge”

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It’s designed based on neuroscience to reprogram your brain and break free from alcohol for good. Over this 6 weeks journey, you'll transform your relationship with alcohol through:

A supportive community on the same path as you


Replacing drinking habits with fun hobbies and adventures


Guided meditations and affirmations

Join me on this Challenge to Create Your Best Life Alcohol-Free and full of Happiness and Purpose!

A 6-Week Transformational Program that Rewires Alcohol Cravings

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What you get inside the program:
Week 1: Visualizing Your Best Life
In week 1, we’ll explore your unique relationship with alcohol and how it may be hindering your life vision. You’ll gain clarity on alcohol’s emotional and practical impacts and begin envisioning your ideal future self and lifestyle.
Week 2: Making the Decision
Discover the importance of consciously choosing sobriety and taking control of your life path. We’ll dive into deeply understanding your motivations and drivers for change. You'll solidify your decision through visualization and commitment exercises.
Week 3: Choosing Your Fun  
It’s time to rediscover joy! You’ll learn to replace drinking habits with fun activities tailored to your unique interests. We’ll explore ideas for infusing everyday life and weekends with enjoyable hobbies, adventures, and experiences.
Week 4: Affirmations  
Discover how powerful customized affirmations can strengthen your sobriety mindset and motivation long-term. You’ll learn to craft uplifting mantras and integrate them into your daily routine through repetition and visualization.
Week 5: Socialising Without Alcohol

Learn how to successfully navigate social situations without alcohol. It takes time to learn to walk and stand steady on your new journey and we cover some important steps to ensure you stay strong when first stepping out into the world again.

Week 6: Maintaining Sobriety & Going The Distance

Ensuring we maintain stable energy is very important, particularly as we travel the first 6-12 months on the new path of conscious sobriety. We will cover important techniques and practises to support and sustain your journey for the distance.

Join Today & Get $1,000+ in Addition Support & Bonuses

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Transform Your Relationship with Alcohol and Start Living the Life of Passion and Fun You Deserve.

6-Weeks Sober
Weekly Newsletter
Vision Board
100 Fun Activities
Meditation for When Feeling Like Drinking
List of Positive Affirmations
Daily Journal

Total Value: $2,000+

One-time payment

Get Sober & Save $5,000+ a Year You Used to Spend on Drinking

Alcohol dependence can cost over $5,000 a year between drinks, Uber rides, extra food, and more. Our program provides the tools to get sober so you can save thousands and spend on what truly matters.

Will You Take Control Today and Choose the Alcohol-Free Life You Deserve?

This is your moment of truth. Will you continue with the regrets, wasted money and lost opportunities of drinking or take control of your health and happiness now? The choice is yours.

Only 50 Spots Left - Don’t Miss Out!

Just a handful spots remain for the 6-Week Sober Course at this limited-time offer price. Once they're gone, the price goes up. Claim your spot today and lock in instant access to the full program and over $2,000 in free bonuses!

Frequently Asked Questions

Copyright 6-Weeks Sober 2023 | All Rights Reserved

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